Heat Exchangers


Properly maintained and serviced heat exchangers will improve the efficiency of any steam plant by turning unused steam back into hot water which is then recycled by adding it back into the feedwater.

Avantis has vast experience in properly maintaining and upgrading many types of heat exchanger.

Our teams are capable of deploying to any site globally and presenting smart engineering solutions to operators so they can best maximise the potential of their asset.

For outdated and obsolete heat exchangers, Avantis can prefabricate, install and commission new units that are more efficient and cost effective to run.

Avantis offers the following heat exchanger services:

  • Mechanical cleaning of heat exchangers process and sea water circuits
  • Chemical cleaning of heat exchangers process and sea water circuits
  • Retubing works
  • Sleeve inserts
  • Mechanical works such as valves etc.
  • Tube sheet repairs and coatings
  • End box repairs and coating repairs
  • Pressure testing
  • Retrofit of more efficient heat exchangers such as plate type which would reduce the electrical load as the heat transfer is more efficient less cooling medium is required
  • Automatic system balance using new control technology and VFD which again reduce parasitic load
Heat Exchanger Corrosion

Types of heat exchanger covered by our power solutions division include:

  • Sea water condensers
  • Fuel oil heaters
  • Cargo oil heaters
  • Lube oil coolers
  • Hydraulic oil coolers
  • Sea water coolers
  • Process heat exchangers
  • Vaporizers
  • Feed heaters
  • Water makers
Heat Exchanger

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